10 Natural Cough Remedies

A wet cough is any cough that brings up phlegm. It’s also called a productive

cough because you can feel the excess phlegm moving up and out of your lungs.

After productive coughs, you will feel phlegm in your mouth.

A wet, productive cough is almost always a sign of a viral or bacterial infection,

especially in children. When you have an upper respiratory infection, like a cold

or flu, your body produces more mucus than normal. In your nose, you may call

this mucus “snot.” But in your chest, it’s called phlegm.

When phlegm accumulates in your chest it can be hard to breath. You may cough

 more at night, because phlegm accumulates at the back of your throat when you

lie down. Although it can disrupt sleep, a wet cough is usually nothing to worry

about. Viruses take time to run their course, so your cough may last several

weeks, but it will usually resolve without treatment.

Image result for 10 Natural Cough Remedies nice photo

1_ Cough remedy: Steep some thyme

Thyme is not only useful for flavoring your poultry—it also serves as an

 impressive cough suppressant. “The volatile oils in the plant have an effect on

the cough reflex, calming the tendency to cough,” explains Leslie Solomonian, a

 doctor of naturopathic medicine. It can be consumed as a tea by mixing 2

teaspoons of crushed leaves into 1 cup boiling water, covering it, steeping for 10

minutes and then straining, but Dr. Solomonian’s favorite way to use it as a

 cough remedy is to add it to honey and onion.

Thyme bunch

2. Honey tea

The researchers reported that honey provided the most significant relief from


To use honey to treat a cough, mix 2 teaspoons (tsp) with warm water or an

herbal tea. Drink this mixture once or twice a day. Do not give honey to children

under 1 year of age.

jar of honey

3_ Humidifier

A humidifier can help you avoid breathing in dry air. This is particularly helpful

 at night, when the throat naturally dries out. A dry throat is more prone to 

irritation and inflammation. Phlegm in the respiratory tract becomes thinner and 

easier to move out of the lungs.

4 _Mustard Plaster

"This is a comforting 'old folk' remedy that really works. To do this, take ground

 mustard seed or powder and mix with warm water sufficient enough to make a

 thick paste (brownie batter consistency). Slather the paste between two damp 

paper towels or cheesecloth (something thin enough that the herb will still make 

contact with your skin). Place over your entire chest and cover with a low 

heating pad for 10 to 20 minutes before bed. For an added boost, rub a few drops

 of castor oil onto your chest before applying the plaster. 

The skin will turn a bit red, but don't worry! Remove if the warming sensation 

becomes uncomfortable," says Nayak.

10 Natural Cough Remedies Because It's Too Cold to Go Outside

5_ Ginger

One study suggests that some anti-inflammatory compounds in ginger can relax

 membranes in the airways, which could reduce coughing. The researchers 

mainly studied the effects of ginger on human cells and animals, so more 

research is necessary.

Brew up a soothing ginger tea by adding 20–40 grams (g) of fresh ginger slices 

to a cup of hot water. Allow to steep for a few minutes before drinking. Add 

honey or lemon juice to improve the taste and further soothe a cough.

6_ Herbal cough drops

You can try natural cough drops made with honey, lemon, eucalyptus, sage,

 thyme, or peppermint.

7_ Steamy shower

A steamy shower can help you moisten your upper airways. It may also help 

break up the mucus in your chest. Try to stay in the shower or in a steamy

 bathroom for at least five minutes. You can repeat as needed.

8. A hot shower

Crank up the hot water, close the windows and turn off the exhaust fan. Steam

 can be a cough’s worst enemy, and thus, your best friend. Steam works to soothe

 the airways and loosen sinus congestion and phlegm in your throat and lungs. 

(Although take note, WebMD warns that steam may exacerbate coughs caused 

by asthma.)

woman taking a shower

9_ Demulcent Herbs

"I like to use demulcent herbs to soothe the throat when there is a dry cough or a

 cough that is being irritated by post-nasal drip. Demulcent herbs include slippery

 elm, marshmallow, and licorice. The herbs have a high amount of mucilage that

 coats the mucous membranes of the throat to soothe that scratchy, raw, irritated 

feeling. I normally give these in the form of a tea that can be taken hot or iced. 

The key here is to brew the tea very strong and let it steep for a long period of 

time. I often make a big batch of the tea hot, start sipping 10 minutes later, and 

keep the herbs in while I sip it all day," says Nayak.

10 Natural Cough Remedies Because It's Too Cold to Go Outside

10_ Brew black pepper tea for a wet cough

This home remedy is rooted in two very different traditions: New England folk 

medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. The rationale behind it is that black 

pepper stimulates circulation and mucus flow; honey is a natural cough 

suppressant and mild antibiotic. To make the tea, place 1 teaspoon of freshly 

ground black pepper and 2 tablespoons of honey in a cup. Fill with boiling water 

and let steep, covered, for 15 minutes. Strain and sip as needed. This remedy 

works best on coughs that produce mucus and isn’t suitable for dry coughs. Try

 these other ways to help you get over a cold quickly.

black pepper and spices photography

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