10 Ways to Lose Weight Fast

A lot of us are slaves to the clock. It’s best to make sure you eat regularly to keep

 from getting so ravenous that you lose control and can’t stop eating. But if

you’re in the habit of eating when the clock says to, instead of when you’re

actually hungry, you tend to lose touch with what “hungry” feels like and eat

more than you really need. Research shows that mindful and or intuitive eating

has health and potentially weight loss benefits, too.

1_ Exercising to Lose Weight Quickly

Exercise can help you achieve this by burning off some extra calories.

To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume.

However, some people claim that exercise isn't effective for weight loss on its own.

This may be because exercise increases hunger in some people, making them eat

more calories than they burned during the workout.

2_ Drink Plenty of Water

Listen to your thirst—it’s there for a reason! Signs of dehydration are often 

mistaken for hunger. Before grabbing a food snack, try downing a glass of water;

 water will fill your stomach and ease those hunger signals. Drinking water is 

also essential for keeping the body hydrated and will reduce water retention. The

general recommended daily amount is 64 ounces, so don’t be afraid to drink up!

3_  Drink Black Coffee

Coffee helps mobilize fats from fat tissues and increase your body’s metabolism.

 The caffeine in coffee stimulates the production of the hormone epinephrine (or 

adrenaline). As the epinephrine travels through the blood, it then sends signals to 

break down fats and release them into the blood.

4_ Veg and Fruit It Up

Fruits and vegetables are great options for filling you up without loading you up

 with fat and calories. These high-fibrous, high-nutrient, high-volume but low-

calorie foods will help you lose weight. Evidence from recent studies show that 

plant-based foods aid in controlling overeating and cravings. When your stomach

 is occupied with these nutrient-dense but low-calorie foods, you won’t load up 

with fat and calories.

Additionally, the consumption of five or more servings per day of vegetables and

 fruit can help change the direction of the food-addiction cycle, especially the

 craving for processed foods.

5 _Get a Mantra

Repeat positive thoughts to yourself, and create an affirmative self-fulfilling 


“No excuses.”


“Get slim”.

“I can resist dessert after dinner.”

“Quitting is not an option.”


“Just do it.”


“Earn your body.”

“I will exercise today.”

“I can do this!”


6 _Lift, lif.

Let’s do some math. Every pound of muscle you have burns about 6 calories an 

hour. So if you add just five pounds of muscle to your frame, you’re burning an 

additional 700 calories a day just by doing nothing. And gaining muscle doesn’t 

have to be an arduous slog. You’ll be good to go once you master the 10 Easiest 

Ways to Build Muscle Quickly.

7_  Avoid junk food


baked goods

processed snacks

most desserts

People should try to eat whole, single ingredient foods to help reduce calorie and 

carb consumption.

8_ Limit carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates are generally very processed and low in nutrients (like 

fiber). Limit the following types of foods: bread, rice, pasta, bagels, crackers, 

pretzels, chips, muffins, tortillas, or quinoa.

Foods that are rich in carbohydrates, especially when whole grain, are a part of a

 healthy diet. However, limiting these foods has been shown to help support 

quicker weight loss.

Whole grains are grains that are minimally processed and contain all the nutrient-

dense parts of the grain (the germ, bran, and endosperm). These types of grains 

are typically higher in fiber and other essential nutrients. If you choose have 

grains, try to choose 100% whole grains like: quinoa, oats, 100% whole wheat 

pasta or brown rice.

9_ give up soda

It’s also time to give up soda. Every 12-ounce soda contains 150 calories. So

 removing one per day from your diet will save you 1,050 weekly calories. And 

if you think that drinking calorie-free diet options are safe when it comes to 

weight-loss, think again: According to a study in the Yale Journal of Biology and

 Medicine, people who regularly drink diet soda actually end up gaining weight.

10_ Choose the side salad.

Cut back 100 calories per day, the thinking goes, and you’ll lose 10 pounds over 

the course of a year. And the easiest way to do that is with a simple side dish 

swap. A salad with all the trimmings—two cups of leafy greens, a cup-and-a-half

 of crisp veggies (like tomatoes or cucumbers), and two tablespoons of light 

dressing—amounts to a little over 100 calories. A medium order of fries has 

about 350.

So, if you’re a habitual fry-eater, swap fries for a salad on just three meals each 

week and you’ll slash 750 calories from your weekly diet—or about 100 per day.

 And for more help, consult these 50 Genius Weight-Loss Motivation Tricks. 

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