5 Tips to Eating Healthy During Pregnancy

Being pregnant is a beautiful moment for you, but it is also a pretty sensitive

period that calls for extra tender loving care. Make sure you incorporate these 5

 tips in your daily routine to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

Avoid The Bars

Although many women know this, it’s always important to continue stating this.

Avoiding alcohol is the number one thing to do while you’re pregnant! Also,

don’t smoke while you’re pregnant and avoid second-hand smoke.

Snack Correctly

When you’re pregnant, stray away from unhealthy junk foods. Stick with healthy

 foods like:


_ Beans and Lentils

_ Bananas

_ Eggs

_ Oatmeal

 _Leafy Greens

_ High-Vitamin, High-Water Fruits like Oranges and Grapefruit

Take Prenatal Vitamins

Although this is the first thing many women think of when they become pregnant

 or find out someone is pregnant, its very important to not skip this! Prenatal

vitamins help you get any extra nutrients your baby needs that could be left out

of your diet. Having a healthy diet isn’t enough, make sure you have the proper

 prenatal vitamins, its best to consult your doctor for your specific needs!

Don’t Stop Exercising

Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean that you should stop with your

exercise routine! Although, while your pregnancy continues, you may not be able

 to do the same routines and exercises as before, stopping all together isn’t good.

Exercise helps reduce back pain and adds muscle tone, which can help with

labor pains.

Sleep While You Can

Most new mothers wish they would have slept more before their baby was born!

Not only will you feel rested after getting an adequate number of sleep, your

baby needs it too.

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