5 Ways to Get Rid of Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

let me tell you that dark circles take time to cure and require great discipline. A

 regular skin and health care program should be followed, by the book, so do not

expect magic to happen overnight. It needs to be understood that these natural

remedies are only intend to help get rid off dark circles, which in turn are tied to

so many factors like your stress levels or nutrition.

Dark circles under the eyes (periorbital dark circles or periorbital puffiness) can

be a big worry for the beauty-conscious as well as for normal people. These

circles or bags take away the freshness of the face and leave the person looking

pale, ill, even old.

With these wonderful natural recipes you are now geared up to reduce dark

circles. But let me warn you, no skin care routine can ever be complete without

its magical ingredient and that is regularity and discipline. So start right away!

1. Tomato Eye Toner

Tomatoes make for an excellent exfoliating agent. It is a hit when it comes to

beauty regimes. Mix lemon juice and fresh tomato juice and massage the eye

area with this daily. Leave the toner on for about 20 minutes and wash with

coconut water.

2. Herbal Teas

Most of us have smartened up and realized the vagaries of too much sugar in tea

 and coffee. We have switched over to healthier substitutes like herbal teas and

non-sugary drinks. If you too have crossed over and drink herbal teas, never

throw the tea bags in the bin but keep them refrigerated. Use these on the eyes

especially after doing an eye massage. Chamomile tea bags are wonderful for

this and have proven to lighten the eye area dramatically!

3. Grated Potato

Raw grated potato or even cold raw potato slices have proven to have lightening

 effects on the skin. I have used this ingredients many a times with positive

results to lighten dark circles. Try it yourself and see how it works for you.

4. Eye Pack

Ground fresh coconut

A few drops of lemon juice

2 tsp grated cucumber

1 tsp fresh cream

3 tsp china clay

Mix all these ingredients together and keep in the fridge. Cover the eyes with

cotton gauge and apply the mask over it taking care that the pack does not drip

into the eyes. You can lie down in a cool place and relax. This should ideally be

left on for a minimum of 20 minutes before gently washing off with milk and

then water.

5. Massage

Mix coconut oil and almond oil and massage gently in circular motion around the

 eyes. Leave on for about an hour. This should be done daily.

You can also make the following eye mask that lightens dark circles if used

regularly. My suggestion is that you make the mask and store it in the fridge. It

will easily last up to 1 week without going bad.

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