_ Ingredients
100g unsalted butter, very soft
4 large free range eggs, beaten to mix
250g caster sugar
1tsp vanilla essence
200g dark chocolate
60g plain flour
15cm square brownie tin or baking tin
60g cocoa powder
_ Method
Heat the oven to 180C, gas 4. Break up the dark chocolate. Put into a heatproof
bowl and melt gently in a pan over simmering water, making sure the water
doesn’t touch the base of the bowl. Remove the bowl from the heat and leave to
cool until needed.
Put the butter and sugar into the bowl of a food mixer and beat until fluffy.
Gradually beat in the eggs, beating well after each addition. Beat in the vanilla
Spoon the cooled melted chocolate onto the mixture then mix in thoroughly. Sift
the flour and cocoa powder onto the mixture and gently stir in.
When completely combined, spoon the mixture into the prepared tin and spread
Bake in the heated oven for about 20 mins until the chocolate brownies are firm
to the touch but still a bit fudgy. The chocolate will continue to cook slightly for
a few mins after coming out of the oven.
Remove the tin from the oven and set on a wire cooling rack. Leave the
chocolate brownies to cool completely before cutting into pieces. Store the
brownies in an airtight container and eat within 4 days.