How to get your baby started

Breast milk or formula is the only food your newborn needs. The American

Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breast-feeding for the first six

months after birth. But by ages 4 months to 6 months, most babies are ready to

begin eating solid foods as a complement to breast-feeding or formula-feeding.

You can start solids between 4-6 months but it also depends on your baby’s 


Additionally, these are signs that your baby is ready for solid food :

He/She can sit upright and hold up his/her head.

He/She is curious and looking at everything you’re eating.

He/She has lost his tongue thrust reflex and pushes food out his mouth.

He/She still seems hungry after a normal full day’s portion of milk.

What Kind of Solids Should I Feed My Baby?

These are some foods that you should avoid feeding your baby :

Honey – It can cause botulism

Cow’s Milk – Stick to breast milk or formula until a year old

Nut, Popcorn, Whole Grapes, and Peanut Butter – Choking hazards

So there it is. We hope that our guide helps you decide whether it’s time (or not)

 to incorporate solids in your baby’s diet!

Here are some suggestions for you to start with :

Single grain cereals (4 to 6 months)

Pureed veggies, fruits and meats (4 to 8 months)

Single – ingredients finger foods (6 to 8 months)

Chopped, ground, or mashed foods (9 to 12 months)

What Solids Should I AVOID Feeding My Baby?

click here for more information

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