How to Make Your Husband Happy

1. Lighten Up

Remember when you and your husband first starting dating? You were the

carefree woman who laughed and flirted? Life's stress can really take a toll on a

relationship, and sometimes we forget to laugh. Flirt with your husband. Tell

stupid jokes. Reminisce about funny things that happened. Life can't always be

fun and games, but let it be sometimes. Keep the humor going between the two

of you and keep things funny and fun.

2. Take Care of Yourself

We can't all have flat stomachs and perfectly applied makeup at all times. But,

you can do simple things for him (and yourself) to show him your beauty.

Sometimes marriages can put us in a rut, and we no longer think it's necessary to

look nice for our spouse. Brush your teeth, take a shower, and leave the ratty

sweatpants in the drawer. Do yoga when you can, wear your favorite little

sundress, and flaunt what you have! Your husband will likely return the favor

and make himself look amazing!

Men are intoxicated by feminine beauty, so looking good for him will make him

 appreciate you even more than he already does.

3. Be Understanding

If something comes up with his work schedule and he has to stay for a late

meeting, don't freak. Yeah, sure, he missed dinner (again), but at least he is

calling and letting you know. From time to time, things will come up where you

will be disappointed. Don't overreact, take a deep breathe and understand. Try to

not take things personally, as your husband is already stressed out enough from

those types of situations.

4. Stop Trying to Change Him

Don't try to change your guy into someone, that he obviously is not. Unless, it is

something that is causing him harm (alcoholism, smoking, drugs, etc.), there is

no reason to change. If you married him for who he is, let him stay who he is.

You can challenge him to be the best version of himself but thinking that you can

 just erase part of his personality if you nag him enough is crazy. Let him be

himself fully and completely because it is that version that you fell in love with

in the first place. Trying to change his base nature is a mistake and leads to even

more conflicts.

5. Trust Him

Unless your husband has given your real reason to not trust him, always give him

 the benefit of the doubt. Most likely you have been cheated on or hurt in a past

relationship, but don't let that baggage follow you into your marriage. Don't

snoop in his phone, check his email, or spy on him when he's out with his

friends. Let him know that you trust him and he will do all that he can to ensure

 he does not break your trust.

6. Take Care of Him

When your husband is feeling under the weather, take care of him. Don't make

fun of him because he's acting like a baby. Most likely, he is acting like a baby,

but let him know you are there for him. Make him his favorite meal, go to the

store to get medicine, and let him watch his favorite TV show. In the same

respect, if he is just having a crappy day, give him his space and let him know

that you are there for him if he needs you.

Men want to feel loved and needed, so let him know how much you care about

him, it will make a big difference.

7. Be Yourself

Be the woman he knows sitting at home on the couch. This doesn't mean you

need to belch in public or walk around in your sweatpants all the time. This just

means you don't have to put up a front for the ladies in your child's class or act

snotty in front of his friends. You are who he fell in love with, so you should

never feel like you have to be someone else. Be respectful and courteous when

you are both in public, but don't try to hide who you are. Having that strong

sense of self and high levels of self-confidence are what made him attracted to

you in the first place.

8. Show Interest in His Hobbies

This doesn't mean you have to be with him every time he plays basketball with

his buddies. More so, be aware of the things he likes. If he really likes to hunt,

subscribe to a hunting magazine that he likes or buy him a piece of gear that you

know he's had his eye on. Being interested does not all ways have to mean being

fully involved.

Give him enough space so that can enjoy his hobbies. That does not mean you

have to take up the same hobbies as him: if he wants to go rock out on guitar in

 the garage, let him go ahead and do it.

9. Have Consistent Sex

This may seem like an obvious statement, but very important. I'm not just saying

have sex a couple of times a week. Be totally invested in the act as much as

possible. Sex is a very important and essential act to men. Show him you love

him by loving on him. Get into the act and set your insecurities aside. This is the

man you said your vows to and are going to spend the rest of your life with.

Explore each other's bodies and have fun. Try to initiate sex some of the time as

that will spice things up and make your husband even more excited for some fun

in bed.

Of course, if you feel uncomfortable about something, let him know about it.

Your husband wants you to be happy and comfortable as well.

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