Vaping has become wildly popular in the U.S. in the past few years. What started as a minor e-cigarette industry has exploded into a vaping behemoth. This growth industry is of great concern to women, families and overall public health because of the dramatic increase in youth vaping in recent years and new reports of serious lung injuries and several deaths from the practice. Here are the bottom-line facts for women's health:
Vaping is not healthy.
Nicotine is an extremely addictive drug and may harm a child's developing brain.
Vaping may cause serious lung damage and even death.
Vaping liquids are not all the same. They may contain toxic compounds (other than nicotine).
Vaping liquids containing THC are oil-based and may be especially damaging to the lungs.
Many children and youth do not understand that vaping (or "Juuling") contains nicotine and is not just "flavored water."
Those and other facts for this public health epidemic to consider are discussed below:
Origin and Health Effects of Vaping
E-cigarettes were originally touted as a "healthier" alternative for smokers than burning tobacco, which has carcinogenic tar-like compounds. However, e-cigarettes do contain nicotine, which is not only toxic, but highly addictive – perhaps as addictive as heroin and cocaine. And more worrisome is that some forms of nicotine in vaping liquids may be absorbed faster than the nicotine from burning tobacco. This characteristic leads to a higher and more rapid increase of nicotine in the blood stream, which may trigger addiction to nicotine more quickly, and lead to more frequent vaping. In addition, some chemicals in vaping liquids may harm a developing fetus.i
Inhaling either the products of burned tobacco or the heated vapor from e-cigarettes introduces compounds into the lungs that they are not designed to manage. The primary function of the lungs is to exchange gases, i.e., oxygen for carbon dioxide. The lungs also have a role in the immune system and have the capacity to expel inhaled microparticulates. Smoking has been shown to decrease this important ability. Inhaling through the mouth by vaping also bypasses the filtering function of the nose and the complex airway provided by the nasal passages that help keep unwanted things out of the lungs.
New Evidence of Harms from Vaping
As of September 6, 2019, the CDC has reported 450 possible cases of serious lung injury and several deaths associated with vaping. It is highly likely that by the time you read this article those numbers will have increased. The specific causes of those injuries are still being investigated. Two leading theories identify direct toxic damage to the lungs from nicotine, flavorings,ii other chemicals in the vaping liquids, or from oils, resulting in lipid pneumonia.iii This form of pneumonia is a serious health condition that occurs when small droplets of oil in the lungs cause an inflammatory reaction that can lead to fibrosis and permanent scarring and loss of lung function.iv No matter what the specific cause (or causes), the severity of the reaction very likely depends on the type of compound or oil and the length of exposure.
The oil theory for the current outbreak of lung injuries and deaths seems to be gaining traction. What may be happening is that oils that are safe when ingested – and they are often approved by the FDA as food ingredients, additives or dietary supplements – are being used in vaping liquids. The difference is that ingesting a food additive into your stomach is a much different process than inhaling something into your lungs.
Oil is a component of vaping liquids containing THC because THC does not dissolve in water. Several of the severe cases of lung injury recently report have been linked to vaping THC. Another recent report suggests some vaping liquids may contain Vitamin E oil, which is also sold as a nutritional supplement.v Vaping liquids may also contain vegetable glycerin, which may cause lipid Adding to the uncertainties about the health dangers is the fact that vaping liquids are available from a variety of sources from original manufacturers, to grey-market companies and local or home-made mixtures.