The 10 habits of healthy women

1. They believe in the power of positive relationships

Healthy women build a network of positive people around them. They quietly

disengage from friends, family and co-workers that don’t add value to their

lives. And they develop coping mechanisms for dealing with toxic people they

can’t avoid.

It’s a good idea to focus on incorporating positive social experiences into your

life. According to Harvard researchers, positive relationships relieve harmful

stress levels, which can negatively affect coronary arteries, gut function, insulin

regulation and the immune system.

2. They take tech breaks

Technology has enhanced our lives in so many ways. Information is readily

available to us, we can keep in touch with distant friends and relatives, we can

work from just about anywhere, and we know what’s happening everywhere in

the world – but all this connectivity certainly has a downside. Healthy women

know that for the good of their minds and bodies, sometimes they just need to


This can take the form of regular digital detoxes, or daily “quiet” times – as long

as you are spending some of your life disconnected from technology and the

other billions of other people all around the world who use it too.

3. They wear sunscreen

Healthy women know that no matter what generations of social conditioning tell

 us, there is no such thing as a healthy tan. A tan is simply a sign that the sun’s

radiation has damaged your skin. While there are certain mood and health

benefits to daily sun exposure, don’t overdo it. Wear sunblock every day and if

you know you will be spending time in the sun, wear a hat and UV protective


4. They prioritise being active in creative ways

For some healthy women, a daily hour at the gym is easy to achieve. Others can’t

 bear the idea of sweating it out with the fitness freaks. Whatever their approach,

healthy women prioritise the exercise that’s right for them. If they don’t work

out, they go for daily walks or swims or yoga and dance classes – and even keep

active at the during the day by taking the stairs rather than the lift, parking far

from the entrance to the shops, or using their lunch break to take a stroll.

5. They aim for a healthy relationship with food

Leaving aside the raging debates, there are a few things that experts agree on:

fad diets, sugar and processed food are bad; plenty of vegetables and variety are

good. Rather than obsessing about their diets, healthy women simply try to eat

more of the good things and fewer of the bad.

6. They go for regular health checkups

We got the boring one out of the way first. No one enjoys the annual rotation of

PAP smears and cholestrol tests, or the monthly health checks like breast self-

examinations, but healthy women know that early intervention saves lives so

they stick to the schedule and get checkups when they need them.

You can check out the screening procedures that you should have here.

7. They get enough sleep

Sleep is vital to our wellbeing. People who don’t get enough sleep can be moody,

 forgetful, susceptible to illness, and likely to gain weight. And there’s not much

negotiation about the amount of sleep you need. Eight hours is the norm, with

only an hour of leeway either way for people who need more or less sleep.

You can check out how much sleep you need by age here. If you can’t sleep, try

these solutions.

8. They manage their stress

The many professional and family demands on women contribute to their stress.

We’re told of the importance of achieving work-life balance but the pursuit of

balance is probably adding to your stress! Healthy women identify the signs of

stress, and take steps to lessen the effects. A helpful practice is mindfulness –

focusing fully on the task at hand rather than worrying about all the other

demands on your attention. Don’t neglect other proven stress-busters: exercise,

down time, fun, friendship and “me time” (see below for more).

9. And they focus on “me time”

Emotional wellbeing is closely tied to physical wellbeing, says Chicago

psychotherapist and author Cherilynn Veland, speaking to Psychology Today:

“If we aren’t taking time to rest, relax, reenergise and restore, bad things will

happen eventually.” These bad things include a wide range of psychological and

health conditions, including anxiety, depression, heart disease digestive

disorders and sleep problems.

Veland recommends scheduling “me time” into your week, just like everything

else – not just leaving it to chance - and actually setting alarms on your phone to

let you know it’s time. What constitutes me time is entirely up to you.

10. They drink in moderation and don’t smoke at all

According to the Harvard paper Alcohol: Balancing the Risks and Benefit,

alcohol is both a poison and a tonic. While there are studies that report the

possible health benefits of alcohol, there is no question that alcohol abuse leads

to liver damage, and alcohol use is a risk factor in breast cancer. At the same

time, there’s no denying the de-stressing benefits of a nice glass of wine at the

end of a long day.

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