6 Tips for Healthy Aging

1_ Ditch the tobacco. Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for your

health — and for the health of those around you. There's no denying that quitting

 is tough. Ex-smokers say it's one of the hardest things they've ever done, and

many quit more than once before they were successful. But they did it, and so

can you. Visit women.smokefree.gov for free tools and resources to help you or

someone you love quit smoking for good. And don't forget to check with your

insurance provider to see if — thanks to the Affordable Care Act — your plan

offers no-cost services and medications to help you quit smoking.

2_ Move more. Exercise is one of Mother Nature's best anti-aging remedies.

Regular exercise not only helps you live longer, but it also helps you sleep better,

 stay at a healthy weight, and feel good about yourself. Plus, it can be a lot of

fun. How much exercise do you need? Aim for two and a half hours (about 30

minutes a day) of moderately intense activity a week (such as brisk walking) and

two or more days of strength training that works all major muscle groups (such

as sit-ups and lifting weights). Whether it's gardening, yoga, or hiking, finding

activities you enjoy can make it easier to stick with it. Need inspiration? Try

these easy exercises.

3_ Eat smart. I know it's not always easy to eat well. But a healthy diet can

reduce your risk for women's major health problems — heart disease, cancer, and


Start by making small changes. Pick leaner proteins (lean beef, chicken, and

fish) and whole grains. (Not sure what to do with whole grains? Check this out.)

 Swap sugary drinks for water, and pick fat-free and low-fat milk products. I also

 work fruits and vegetables into every meal. Top your morning cereal with

berries, and add vegetables to pasta and casserole dishes. My last piece of food

advice is to cook at home as much as possible. Why? It gives you more control

over what you eat. Need healthy recipe ideas? Check out the MyPlate Recipes

Pinterest board(link is external).

4_ Monitor your health. Schedule your well-woman visit every year. Even if you

feel fine, a yearly visit allows you to connect with your doctor or nurse. It's your

time to get important screenings and to discuss your health habits, family

history, and future plans for your health, such as wanting to get pregnant or

needing an

effective family planning method. It also gives your doctor or nurse a chance to

 identify problems early, when they're easiest to treat. The best part? The

Affordable Care Act requires most private insurance plans to cover your well-

woman visit and preventive screenings at no additional cost to you.

5_ Be sun smart. Being safe in the sun isn't just for summer days at the beach.

Whenever you're in the sun — even during the winter — you're exposed to

ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Too much sun exposure can lead to skin cancer,

immune suppression, and cataracts. But there are steps you can take to protect

yourself, like wearing protective clothing such as long-sleeved shirts and hats

and sunscreen every day. Your daily moisturizer or foundation may already have

 sunscreen, but you'll want to use products with SPF 30 or higher. Also be sure it

offers broad spectrum protection against both UVA and UVB rays. And

remember those sunglasses — they protect your eyes from sun damage. For

more tips, check out these sun safety action steps for you and the whole family.

6_ Don't forget your "Me Time." Life gets busy. And if you're like me, every

time you cross something off your to-do list, you add five more things. Let's put

ourselves on our to-do lists. Carve out time just for you every day — even if it's

only a few minutes. Do something you enjoy or that feels relaxing and satisfying.

 Maybe it's meditating, an early morning walk, or a cup of tea and a crossword

puzzle. (I like to knit.) Do whatever feels good and helps you de-stress.

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