Vitamin D
Vitamin D is an essential building block for a healthy body. It promotes healthy
bone renewal, normal cell growth, and hormone balance, which are all important
for menopausal women.
Vitamin D is often referred to as the “sunshine vitamin,” as your body produces
it in response to sun exposure.
As women age, their ability to absorb vitamin D decreases, heightening their risk
of bone density loss. This makes the need to incorporate vitamin D into their
diets that much more critical.
To get your recommended daily dose of 600 international units (IU), step outside
for a 15- to 20-minute walk. Be sure to wear sunscreen and a hat to protect your
If it’s rainy or you can’t get outside, take the sunshine vitamin in capsule form.
It’s also important to pile your plate high with foods containing high vitamin D
content. Such foods include sardines, tuna, wild salmon, fortified dairy products,
and eggs.
Mindful breathing
It’s time to jump on the mindfulness wagon if you haven’t already. Mindful deep
breathing such as that practiced during yoga and meditation has a proven
calming effect on the mind and can ease some menopausal symptoms such as
anxiety and hot flashes.
As soon as you feel a hot flash coming on, prepare. Begin by inhaling through
your nose to the count of four. Hold your breath for seven counts. Then, exhale
completely through your mouth to a count of eight. This is one breath. Try to
complete this cycle two more times.
These alternative therapies may offer consumers solutions to assist in treating
menopausal symptoms. As with any treatment, it’s a good idea to talk to your
doctor first. This is especially true if you plan on taking any herbs or
General health and fitness go a long way in reducing symptoms, so stress
reduction, exercise, and yoga can be helpful.
Many women find relief from their menopause symptoms through acupuncture.
Skeptics argue that acupuncture benefits are purely the result of the placebo
effect, but studies have shown that acupuncture might be a reasonable
alternativeTrusted Source to hormone therapy for women suffering from hot
Many insurance plans cover acupuncture, among other alternative treatments.
Check your coverage before you make an appointment.
Ginseng is an herb used for its therapeutic health benefits for as many as five
thousand years by the Chinese, Koreans, and Native Americans. It may be used
to treat menopausal symptoms of fatigue, anxiety, and stress because it’s
considered a “normalizer” and an “energizer.”
You can take ginseng in different forms including tea, powder, and extract.
Continual evidence supports the notion that yoga can help relieve irritability and
depression brought on by menopause. Women report that yoga relaxation and
stretching techniques help stabilize their moods while improving their overall
Try a gentle yoga class once or twice a week to get the most benefits. Once you
learn the basics, you can carve out some personal time to practice in the comfort
of your own home.