7 Red Flags That You Can't Ignore In A Relationship

There are a number of reasons we ignore the red flags our partners are showing

us, and they come down to everything from our own selfish narcissism to our

willingness only to see the best in our partners. In order to build happy, fulfilling

relationships, however, we have to accept our partners — and the bonds we share

 with them — for who and what they are.

1. If all you have in common is an appetite for sex

While it's a great thing to have, it shouldn't be the only thing you have in

common with your partner. No common interests mean the flame will be put out

sooner or later!

2. Refusing to talk about future

If you want a serious relationship, chances are that you would want to talk about

the future. From deciding cities to live in to life goals - it's important to sort out

priorities before you take the big step. However, if they refuse to talk about the

future, it may just be you who is in it for the long run!

3. If they make you feel bad about yourself

Well, this one's a no-brainer. No one, and we mean no one, has the right to make

you feel bad about yourself. If your partner makes you feel bad about your

choices (eating, dressing, jobs etc), it may be time to let go of the partner rather

than the life you built after so much hard work!

4. Difference in core values

We are not talking about being a dog person or a cat person (although if you feel

strongly about having a pet, you should sort this one out!), we are talking about

basic values and goals in life. Whether you want kids, whether you are religious,

 what are your long term goals, how materialistic you are and many more - these

are things you should mutually agree on and respect if you want a successful


5. Is it a partner or is it a parasite?

Being with each other is nice but being clingy is when you should wake up and

 smell the coffee. If you feel that your partner is everywhere, all the time, it may

be time to gently step back. Again, they may have deep-rooted issues with

possessiveness and space but it's for their therapist to resolve, not you.

6. Trying to drive a wedge between you and your friends/family

If your partner is always complaining about your friends and family or doesn't

like you hanging out with them, then you should really examine your

relationship. Often these are tricks and manipulations used by people to have

complete control over your life and that can never be a good thing.

7. Distance doesn't always make the heart grow fonder!

Giving each other space is a good thing but if it feels like you are on Earth, and

the other person is in space, then clearly something's amiss! It doesn't make them

 a bad person but their emotional needs are definitely different from yours and

there's only so much you can do about it.

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