Look at yourself in the mirror and smile! You’re attractive !

Stop looking down on yourself! Stop thinking that you don’t look good enough

 to be liked or loved. You have to stop succumbing to the mindset that you aren’t

physically attractive. You are. You have to stop believing that you are never

going to find a person who is going to want to fall in love with you because

you’re ugly. You’re not ugly. You are beautiful. All of us are beautiful in our

own unique ways. Sure. You are flawed. But we all are. We all have our share of

imperfections and blemishes. We all stumble occasionally. Yes. We all have our

ugly moments. But you should always be optimistic and think positive.

8 Signs That You Are Much More Attractive Than You Think

You are confident. ...

You know you're not perfect. ...

You are passionate. ...

You are not afraid to speak up. ...

You take care of yourself. ...

You're comfortable being yourself. ...

You are happy. ...

You want to explore new things.

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