Natural Eye Makeup Remover

Are you sick and tired of your eye makeup remover burning your eyes? Or

maybe it just doesn’t work the way it should and your eyes are raw after wiping

them so many times (and probably way to hard).

Thus, you need not use those expensive makeup removers available in the market

 if you can have access to this gamut of easy homemade natural makeup

removers. In fact, these natural alternatives also allow you to steer clear from the

 chemicals present in ready-made makeup removers. These can also serve as

options if your makeup remover is over and you didn’t get the time to go and buy

 a new one! So wear your makeup happily and remove it easily to look beautiful,


1. Olive oil and aloe vera:

If you have sensitive or dry skin, olive oil would act as a wonderful natural

makeup remover. Just mix olive oil with aloe vera juice or gel and dab on

liberally on face and neck and wipe it clean! It is perhaps one of those rare

makeup removers that not only does its job of removing makeup but also

nourishes and moisturizes the skin thoroughly.

2. Jojoba oil and vitamin E:

Pour out the contents of a vitamin E capsule into 50 ml jojoba oil and stir well.

Store it properly and use it as a makeup remover that soothes and protects the


3. Milk and almond oil:

Prepare this amazing makeup remover as well as moisturising potion at home by

adding a few drops of almond oil to a tablespoon of milk. Dab the mixture on

your face and remove it with fresh dry cotton ball. It leaves your face hydrated,

clean, smooth and refreshed.

4. Raw milk and honey :

Milk is possibly one of the most easily available homemade makeup removers

we can think of. Dunk a cotton ball in raw milk and honey and do away with

traces of makeup from your face. It works well even for oily as well as sensitive

 skin. Wash your face and eyes with lukewarm water afterwards. It works best if

you are not wearing very heavy makeup.

5. Honey and baking soda:

Pour some organic honey on a washcloth. Now sprinkle it with some baking

soda. Use it as an all-natural easy homemade makeup remover for removing

even the most stubborn makeup of all kinds!

6. Coconut oil and honey:

Coconut oil is a ‘wonder oil’ that can remove makeup easily. By makeup, we

mean face makeup as well as eye makeup. In fact, kohl, eye liner and mascara

can be removed as effectively as foundation and blushers.

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