Nesting during pregnancy.

What Is Pregnancy Nesting?

Nesting is an act or process of preparing your home to welcome the newborn. It

is a common biological trait associated with the sudden burst of energy during

late pregnancy. It involves physical preparations for motherhood, such as baby-

proofing the house, cleaning the entire home, buying baby gear and also doing

laundry. You may even begin emotional preparation by spending more time and

bonding with the partner and the unborn by talking to them .

Do All Pregnant Women Nest?

Not all pregnant women will experience this nesting instinct. Every woman is

different, so are their pregnancy and changes . Some women have the urge and

others may not. A few may be unable to nest because of physical restrictions

such as being on bed rest, or due to prior infertility treatments or miscarriages.

How Will You Know If You Are Nesting?

Every pregnant woman who is nesting might exhibit different behaviors and

action. Here are a few common signs that indicate you are nesting:

You tend to wash, fold and organize the baby’s clothing and gear several times a

 day and may want to do it again and again.

Choosier about spending time with family and friends

Feel like staying close to home

An urge to clean every part of the house

Creating a checklist for baby items

These behaviors can manifest anytime from a few days to few months before


What Induces This Nesting Instinct During Pregnancy?

There is no specific reason why women exhibit nesting in pregnancy. The

following reasons may trigger your urge for nesting:

High energy levels in the second trimester let you do more work

The anticipation of the baby’s arrival, and the desire to have everything ready

Frustration and boredom as you tend to stay idle during pregnancy

Motherly instinct to protect the newborn

Thoughts that caring for the baby will require a lot of energy and time, and you

need to be ready before the arrival

Urge to clean the home increases once you get off that queasy feeling of morning

 sickness and start feeling energetic

These factors can cause specific behaviors that indicate you are in the nesting


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