Peanut Butter Banana Cake


‎½ Cup Sunflower oil ‎

‎3 Cups + 4 Tbsp. American Garden Creamy Peanut Butter ‎

‎2 Tbsp. Molasses

‎1 Cup Granulated sugar

‎3 Eggs‎

‎2 ripe bananas‎

‎1 ½ Cups Flour ‎

‎2 Tbsp. Chocolate Syrup for garnishing

‎1/3 Cup Milk Chocolate Chips

‎150 ml yoghurt‎


Preparation Time : 15 Minutes . Cook Time : 1h 20 Minutes

 Preheat the oven to 180⁰C and line an oven tin with baking paper.‎

Whisk together the oil, sugar and molasses then one by one, add the

eggs and mix.‎

Beat in 4 tbsp. of peanut butter and stir flour into the mixture.‎

 Mash bananas and add to the mixture along with the yoghurt.‎

‎ Fold the chocolate chips and the American Garden peanut butter

cups into the mixture.‎

 Bake mixture for 1hr 20mins then cool in the refrigerator.‎

‎ Drizzle chocolate syrup over cooled cake and cut into squares before


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