Rett syndrome, and ovarian and cervical cancers. Issues related to women's
overall health and wellness include violence against women, women with
disabilities and their unique challenges, osteoporosis and bone health, and
Women with CKD may have more problems with pregnancy, causing increased
risk to the mother and the child. Even women without CKD may be at risk
during both pregnancy and birth because of pre-eclampsia and other problems
that increase blood pressure and put a strain on the kidneys.
There are two main reasons CKD affects more women than men.
Urinary tract infections (UTI) are more common in women.
UTIs are responsible for roughly 10 million healthcare visits every year. Left
untreated or not adequately treated, bacteria could travel to the kidneys and
cause a more serious condition called pyelonephritis. UTIs are also more
common during pregnancy, so it’s important to act quickly and inform your
doctor if you suspect you have an infection.
The weight factor.
A high body mass index (BMI) is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular
disease, kidney diseases, diabetes and some cancers as well as musculoskeletal
What women should consider to stay safe
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the progression of
chronic kidney disease is slower in women than in men. Sufferers often don’t
experience symptoms of kidney problems, even with as much as 90% loss of
kidney function. At this point the condition is largely irreversible and a patient
could be in need of a kidney transplant.
As always, it’s important to speak to your doctor about any concerns you might
have and to stick to a regular screening schedule. Find out more about kidney
health below, including preventative measures you can take.