These are the relationship red flags you shouldn’t ignore

Red flags — aside from being a warning that you’re with the wrong person —

are also a sign of coming change. As humans, change terrifies us, and we’ll do

almost anything to avoid the discomfort of the unknown. When our partner

shows us behavior that is contrary to our image of them, it’s always a sign that

something is changing in the partnership and that can be difficult to accept for

one or both parties involved.

We don’t believe in ourselves

We’re afraid of the truth

One of the most common reasons we turn away from the truth about our

relationships is because we’re afraid of facing the truth. To accept a negative

truth about your spouse or loved one is to see them (and yourself) in a different

light. The truth is a painful thing, sometimes, and it can be easier to turn away

from it than to turn toward it. The problem with this method, however, is that it

only compounds the issues we’re experiencing and makes it harder for us to find

ourselves beneath the layers of lies and unhappiness.

We’re afraid of change

Perhaps the most common reason we ignore warning signs from our partner is

our own failure to believe in ourselves. When you’re haunted by low self-esteem,

 you doubt even your most basic of instincts and feelings. Rather than trusting

that gnawing feeling in your gut — you ignore it — in the hopes that you’re

simply doing something wrong once again. Shutting out our intuition is a

dangerous game to play, and one that can find us facing more regrets than we

might have done otherwise. It all comes down to believing in ourselves and

believing that we want for us is both right and deserved.

We’ve been brainwashed

Many of us were raised to believe that our relationships were do-or-die. As

children, our parents told us the importance of committing, and instilled in us the

 idea of breakups as taboo and highly undesirable. We view the ending of

relationships as failure, when really all they are is the end of one chapter and the

start of another. Rather than viewing our partnerships as a chore, we should view

them as an opportunity; one that begins and ends when it is meant to. Nothing

more, nothing less.

The 11 red-flags you should never overlook.

When it comes to red-flags, there are a number of behaviors, beliefs and

revelations we should never ignore. From things as small as “all my exes are

crazy” to outright physical and emotional abuse — these are the 11 red flags you

should never ignore.

1. Fear of commitment

Fear of commitment is a common red flag that gets ignored or overlooked by

those who are seeking the lasting connection of a deep, romantic bond. If you

find yourself engaged with a partner who claims that all relationships “fail” or

that no relationship is “healthy” you might be looking at someone who has a

problem accepting responsibility, or someone who might be expecting you to do

most of the heavy lifting; in a way that will inevitably leave you running for the

hills and therefore confirming their prophecy (and their failure to commit).

2. A slew of “terrible” exes

When you find yourself with a partner or spouse that says all their exes were

“terrible” — it might be a warning sign. The partner who sees all their exes as

the problem might have their own problems when it comes to stepping up to the

plate and taking responsibility for their actions and behaviors in a realtionship.

3. Refusing to open up

We all have things in our past that we would rather not share, but having a

partner who refuses to discuss their past at all is a major red flag. Refusing to

 talk about former relationships might be a sign that your partner hasn’t resolved

 those issues, or that they aren’t working on healing themselves in a way that

equals a caring and self-fulfilled partner. Our pasts are a part of our personal

development, but we can’t initiate that growth unless we confront them, share

them and resolve them in a way that helps us do better in future.

4. Holding the past over you

If your partner holds their past over you, it might be a major sign that they’re not

the one. Saying things like, “I used to be so much happier,” belittles the other

partner, and makes them feel as though they are constantly being forced to live

up to the standard of bygone days — a battle that is neither fair nor realistic. It’s

great to share stories about our pasts, but it’s not fair to live there or expect our

partners to live in that past either. If we want a happy future, we have to focus on

 the future, and we have to do that as a couple — not as ghosts of Christmas Past

5. Trail of messy breakups

Messy breakups are a part of life, but a trail of messy breakups might be a sign

that there’s some serious disfunction going on with your partner and the way

they resolve their emotions. When we can’t end relationships like adults, it’s a

 sign that we’re not mature enough to enter into them in the first place. It can also

 be a sign of serious emotional issues that need to be resolved before being able

to fully connect with another person.

6. A bad temper

A bad temper is a red-flag that should never, ever be ignored or overlooked. A

short fused partner can be a sign of more dangerous things to come, especially if

 that partner reveals their anger issues early on in the relationship. While a one-

time occurrence of yelling might be excusable, violence and intimidation is not

— not even once. Your partner needs to get help for their anger, but you’re not

 the one to do it. Don’t ignore the anger warning signs.

7. Preventable money issues

We all know what it means to be alive in the age of college-debt, but constant

 and preventable money issues are a serious red flag. Partners who are bad with

money, or who are irresponsible with their spending habits, can cause serious

problems later on down the road for both partners. It’s a sign of immaturity, and

it’s also a sign of a lack of willpower — something that’s absolutely necessary in

 order to thrive in today’s world.

8. Physical and emotional abuse

Controlling behavior and physical and emotional abuse are always, always,

always a red flag and warning sign that you should never ignore. While abusers

will always easily explain their actions away, their words are poisonous sugar.

 They will do it again, and they’ll keep doing it as long as they have access to

their victim. If you’ve found yourself in such a relationship, reach out to

someone you trust and start making a plan to get away.

9. Failure to stay employed

It’s one thing to walk away from a dangerous or self-defeating workplace, but

 it’s another to maintain a habit of unemployment. A partner who is constantly

moving jobs or employment opportunities might be a sign of immaturity, and a

sign that that person isn’t quite sure where they’re going or what they want.

While spontaneity can be great in the right time and place, it’s not good for a

relationship or any foundational aspect of our day-to-day lives. It also shows a

lack of commitment and self-exploration; something that should send any self-

respecting person who knows who they are running for the hills.

10. An obsession with family

It’s great to have a partner who is close to their family, but a partner who is too

close can be a serious red flag. None of us comes from a perfect family, but the

person who is obsessed with or too indebted to their family can cause serious

issues in your relationship. Over time, those same family members might become

 too involved in your relationship and interfere in a number of ways that leave

you both feeling undermined and unhappy.

11. Cheating

Occasionally, you’ll find yourself in a relationship with someone who admits to

 cheating in their past. While every situation is differentt, this is (more often than

not) a red flag that you should run — not walk — in the opposite direction. If

they did it once, they’ll do it again. Cheating is always a sign of immaturity and

it is always a sign of someone who is not ready to take responsibility for their

commitments, behaviors and decisions.

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