What natural alternatives to hormone replacement therapy are there?

Women who decide not to supplement their declining levels of estrogen with

prescription hormones may want to choose from a variety of "natural" remedies

that may help relieve their menopausal symptoms. Black cohosh root may bring

some relief from hot flashes, with potentially fewer side effects than estrogen.

Creams made from wild yam extract converted in a lab into a form of

progesterone have been promoted by some alternative practitioners for the

treatment of hot flashes and vaginal dryness, although little research has been

done on their safety or efficacy. These products are sold as an alternative to

 synthetic progesterone (or progestin).

Be sure to talk with your doctor before trying these alternative remedies, as some

 supplements interact with prescription medication or may harm people with

certain medical conditions.

Here's the rundown on alternative treatments:

Black Cohosh

Black cohosh root has long been heralded by herbalists as an effective remedy

for various menopause-related complaints. Germany's Ministry of Health has

approved the herb for the treatment of hot flashes. In one study, 80 women who

took it for three months cut their average number of hot flashes from five a day

to just one. However, the National Institutes of Health conducted a clinical trial

and found no difference between women who took black cohosh and those who

took a placebo, or dummy pill, when it came to how many hot flashes they had.

And research published in the journal Menopause in 2008 showed that black

cohosh had no effect on symptoms such as vaginal dryness or changes in

reproductive hormones. The National Center for Complementary and

Alternative Medicine says there is not yet enough scientific evidence to draw any

 conclusions about the effectiveness of black cohosh in relieving menopausal

symptoms. Black cohosh extract is available at most health-food stores; the

majority of the studies have used the product Remifemin at a dose of 40

milligrams per day.


Experts have long known that Japanese women, who eat large quantities of soy,

suffer fewer hot flashes than women in the West, and preliminary studies in the

 United States support this observation. If you want to try soy, check the grocery

or health-food store for foods like tofu, tempeh, miso, soy milk, and roasted soy

nuts. Many experts advise against taking soy powder until further research is


Herbal Cocktails

A host of other over-the-counter nutritional supplements and herbal mixtures

claim to relieve a wide range of menopausal complaints. These cure-all cocktails

 may contain ginseng, fenugreek, licorice, sarsaparilla, flaxseed, red clover, or

chaste-tree berry. There is little data on their effectiveness or safety.

Dong Quai

The Chinese herbal remedy dong quai is frequently promoted as a treatment for

menopausal symptoms, but a recent six-month trial of 71 postmenopausal

women found that when used on its own, it didn't offer any relief from hot

flashes. You can buy dong quai in the form of a powder, pill, or tincture, but

taking it alone or in commercially prepared products is likely to be ineffective

and may cause unwanted side effects like a skin rash or heavy menstrual

bleeding. If you want to try it, herbal experts recommend that you see a qualified

 Chinese herbalist who can prescribe an appropriate combination of herbs

tailored to your particular needs.

Are these treatments safe?

Nobody really knows for sure. Although a number of these substances have been

 used for years by herbalists, most alternative treatments haven't been widely

 studied, so questions about safety remain. Many natural remedies are considered

 nutritional supplements rather than drugs, and thus aren't as closely regulated by

the government as prescription and over-the-counter medications. Yet some of

them can be just as powerful -- and dangerous -- as traditional drugs. And

because there's so little data on these substances, no one really knows yet how

much of them you need to take to feel better. It's also hard to know what you're

getting; studies have shown that the potency and quality of such products varies


If you choose to try an alternative treatment, you may need to be patient; the

effects can take as long as twelve weeks to kick in.

It's smart to consult your doctor as well as a qualified herbalist or naturopath

before using alternative therapies. And let your doctor know if you want to try

these treatments; he or she may be able to recommend one that's appropriate for

 you (although some physicians might want to steer you away from such

remedies altogether). You should also tell your healthcare providers about any

health problems you have and any medications you're on. Like traditional drug

treatments, some alternative remedies may interfere with medicines you're taking

 or cause problems if you have certain conditions.

What else can I do?

Eat a low-fat, calcium-rich diet; don't smoke; if you drink alcohol, do so in

 moderation; and exercise regularly. These are the most important steps you can

 take to ease the discomfort of menopausal symptoms. They're also crucial in

keeping heart disease and bone loss at bay. Some women have also reported that

 reducing stress through yoga has also helped reduce bothersome symptoms.

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