Goodbye Wrinkles

1   _Massage

Using your favorite gentle lotion, take a few minutes to give your face a massage

 with a firm but gentle touch. Focus on problem areas like your neck, under 

 eyes, and your forehead. “Facial massage may help enhance blood flow to the 

skin and delivery of oxygen and nutrients,” Dr. Zeichner explains.  “It also may 

help improvement lymphatic drainage of fluid that may lead to facial and under 

eye puffiness.” Check out these 17 tricks for a soothing self massage.

2 _Fruits and vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables filled with vitamins A and C will help to plump your

 skin and make it seem to glow from the inside, Dr. Youn says. “Fresh fruits and 

vegetables are some of the best skin-friendly foods,” he says.  “Their variety of 

antioxidants are great for fighting oxidation and free radicals.” But, Youn 

cautions, results don’t happen overnight. To get the most nutrition, learn which 

antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables you should be eating. You’ll benefit your 

health along with your skin.

4 _Chewing Gum

Sure, gum is great at keeping your breath minty-fresh. One thing it’s not so good 

at, though? Keeping your skin wrinkle-free. But don’t worry: It can only cause 

wrinkles if you’re chewing it a lot. “Many of my patients who are gum chewers 

have a certain pattern of wrinkles around their mouth, and I think the gum is 

responsible to some degree for it,” says dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon Joel 

Schlessinger, MD. “We’re not talking about the occasional gum chewer. We’re 

talking about the person who has a habit of chewing gum and is rarely if ever 

seen without a piece of gum in their mouth.”

5 _Lemon juice

Slice a lemon and massage the juice into fine lines and wrinkles on your face. 

The acidity of lemon helps skin look brighter while reducing the appearance of 

wrinkles, Dr. Youn says. “You can make a DIY lemon juice fruit acid facial,” he

 says. “The citric acid in lemon juice can act as a gentle exfoliator, causing the 

skin to look and feel smoother and softer afterwards.” Drinking a glass of lemon

water every AM can also improve your health.

These are the skin care tips dermatologists use themselves.

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