The Shape Of Your Ear Reveals A Lot About Your Personality & Future

A person’s personality can be derived from observing traits and behaviours that

they may display and sometimes even the smallest details can tell a lot about

someone’s personality. Did you know that an amazing key to deducing

someone’s personality turns out to be through observing one’s ear shape. Read on

 to find out more on how to tell the personality of an individual through his ears.

1_  Small Ears

Going with the opposite of big ears, people with small ears tend to be a lot more

self-conscious and sensitive if people notice their ears in particular. They end up

over thinking everything instead of showing some spontaneity and believing in their gut feeling.

2_ Large Ears

Many people with big ears tend to be very independent and strong to get to high

 places in life. This isn’t that surprising, or is it? To get through life being teased

about how big your ears are means you must have a strong-willed personality.

3_ Long Earlobes

People with these ear shape tend not to be weighed down in any way because

 they are free spirited and they know happiness when they see it.

4_ Ears lower than your eye line

These people are very level-headed people with a very relaxed and stable type of

 personality that keeps them out of trouble.

5_  Higher than your Eye line

With your ears being higher than your eye line, it Is a symbol of being closer to

 your brain which makes you a great intellectual and a person that is always

curious about their surroundings or the world they live in.

6_ Triangle Shape

Having a beautiful and exciting type of shape to your ears means, well, you are a

 little insane. This can be a good thing, but you must remember to try and be

happy every day.

7_ Sticking out

Ears that stick out mean you know how to live with and for happiness by keeping

 to your goals is your determination at succeeding, even with a regular job hours

 type of routine.

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